5. Pack It Up and Store It

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How to package certain items

Pack like a pro

Whether you’re traveling across the city or flying across the world, effective packing can save you from the heartbreak of opening a box to find your cherished items damaged.

Here’s our top tips to help you pack your belongings safely and ensure they are 'plane ready' for the journey home.

Start with a plan

  • Before you begin packing, create a checklist of all items you need to move.
  • Categorise them into essentials, valuables, and disposables, which will help you organise and decide where to pack your things.

Consider storage options

If you're not moving everything home at once, consider renting a storage unit to keep your items safe and secure. You could always club together with flatmates to share the costs.

A quick internet search will bring up a list of storage companies in Exeter or there is a handy list on the website.

Use good quality packing materials

  • Invest in the right supplies such as sturdy boxes, bubble wrap and strong tape. For clothing and soft items, consider vacuum-seal bags to save space and protect against moisture.
  • If you have packing materials left over, remember to take them to the recycling points before you leave.

Label everything

  • If you’re flying, make sure your name, address, and contact information are on every piece of luggage. Use bright, noticeable labels for fragile items. 

Secure fragile items

  • Wrap glassware, electronics, and other fragile items individually in bubble wrap, securing the wrap with tape.
  • For anything that's especially fragile, or expensive, it's usually best to take that with you in a smaller bag, so YOU can be sure it's safe.

Protect important documents

  • Keep important documents such as academic records, identification papers, and financial documents in waterproof folders and keep them with you when you travel, to avoid any losses.

Use suitcases for heavy items

  • Books and heavy items can be packed in suitcases with wheels to make them easier to move.

Check airline baggage policies

  • If flying, check your airline’s baggage policies for size and weight limits to avoid extra fees.
  • Also, familiarise yourself with prohibited items to ensure that all your packed items are plane ready.

Insurance and photographs

  • Take photos of valuable items before packing them. This can be helpful for insurance claims in case of damage.